Johnson County Government, Indiana
86 W Court St
Franklin, IN 46131
datapitstop » Johnson County Government, Indiana » Treasurer »Property Tax StatisticsDirectory
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Property Assessment Statistics
Townships 07/25/2024 213
Tax Districts 07/25/2024 214
School Corporations 07/25/2024 193
School Corporations and Tax Districts 07/25/2024 75
Townships and Property Class Groups 07/25/2024 238
Tax Districts and Property Class Groups 07/25/2024 218
School Corps and Property Class Groups 07/25/2024 211
Property Class Groups 07/25/2024 244
Property Codes 07/25/2024 218
Deductions 07/25/2024 234
Flags 07/25/2024 232
Parcel with Problems 07/25/2024 227
Property Tax Statistics
Circuit Breaker Caps Losses 07/25/2024 225
AVs, Deductions, Taxes 07/25/2024 200
Tax Credits by Tax Districts 07/25/2024 210
Tax Payer Portion by Types 07/25/2024 229
Entities Totals (Taxing Units) 07/25/2024 217
Top Tax Payers List 07/25/2024 243
Top NAV List 07/25/2024 138
Yearly Tax Collections - by Tax Districts 07/25/2024 226
Yearly Tax Collections - by Entities 07/25/2024 244